the Producer/Host
Nadjia Varney
Nadjia Varney
is the producer and host of, SCHOOL TALK, a weekly
PBS, Satellite, Internet, and Cable Television talk show on EDUCATION,
and the producer of the SCHOOL TALK VIDEO LIBRARIES.
An educator
for over 25 years and consultant in the education community,
Nadjia Varney has produced and hosted SCHOOL TALK for over
20 years. Ms. Varney holds a Bachelor of Education degree
from Barrington/Gordon College, a Master's degree in
Education from Rhode Island College, and a number of professional awards.
She has co-authored curriculum resource booklets, and has conducted
workshops throughout the Northeast.
Varney's in-depth discussions with recognized leaders in education,
government, psychology, and commerce make the SCHOOL TALK VIDEO LIBRARIES
which are an archive of the shows, lively but substantive. She takes
a distinctive, no-nonsense approach and sorts out "the real issues"
from sensationalism. The range of issues is wide, including topics such
as school reform, standards and testing, literacy, curriculum issues,
parent involvement; and important social issues like teen suicide, self-esteem,
youth violence, and minority affairs.